A Welcome Article?
Eley-baby is unsure about this.
Am I meant to be welcoming people to my site or welcoming myself for joining? Because the first is a little arrogant considering I've nothing really to welcome people to .. yet. But. As my mum always says: even if you have nothing, offer people something. Fine, so my mum has never said that in her life. Sue me. But as I don't want to have to welcome myself because that's decidedly pathetic, I'll stick to welcoming other people.
Stick around though because in two weeks, my story gets better! I'm off to Dubai, Australia, Fiji and other delightful places and will post all the fun, in-the-sun things that I'm doing. I will also bitch mightily about jetlag and having my 'pommy' accent laughed at. In Dubai, I'm planning on doing muchos shopping in the great tradition of Eley-babies everywhere. And in Fiji, I'm planning on sitting on a beach and drinking Kava. And Kava is good.
My rant for the day will be about the weather because I think I should give George Bush a break (and because he's got enough to deal with in NYC). But seriously. The weather. I live in a country where it's ALL PEOPLE TALK ABOUT. And yet our obsession is so unfounded because it's always cold. No, that's not true. It's usually gorgeous for about, say, three days in the year. Just so we all know how wonderful this country could be if it was always sunny and nice outside. And then it's crap for the rest of the time.
Best place to live: ... I've yet to find that place. But when I do, I'm definitely not telling anyone. Some secrets should be kept to oneself.
Best place to drink a Bloody Mary and watch the sun go down: Island Camp, Lake Baringo, Kenya.
That's it.